We noticed the wonderful article about men’s fashions on another hip blog, Beauty Chat.
It just so happened that some recent news about women’s fashions came our way. In particular, cosmetic surgery T-shirts.
You know something has really caught the fancy of the public when a street or a sandwich is named after it.
But that same item is as firmly established in the American culture as the 4th of July, Billy the Kid or the Liberty Bell when its name appears on a T-shirt.
Cosmetic surgery T-shirts were created by CosmeTees, a firm where designer and owner Lee Dequeira of Philadelphia observed something noteworthy about people who have plastic surgery.
They blab about it. While we ordinary mortals blithely stroll the malls with, say, plaster casts on our newly straightened noses, or huge bandages swathed around our heads due to freshly pinned back ears, celebrities do everything possible to hide their surgical rejuvenation.
(I Love My New Boobs, a toned down Tee for the less ostentatious.)
You’ve seen it all before where the celeb watchword is deny, deny, deny. Nobody uncovers this trend better than the blog awful plastic surgery.
(Here’s an example of the expressions on the Tee)
So Lee got to thinking. Why not just go with the Everyman flow and, since you’re telling anybody who will listen about your recent nip ‘n’ tuck, just boldly announce your enhancement on a special Tee? Like another one, just below:
Once you see the all-black Tees with the words spelled out in glittering rhinestones, you might get the shirts are intended to be brash. So the Tees don’t so much announce your rejuvenation surgery as shout it. The fashionable shirts go for $39.95 a pop.
So-o-o-o-o, depending on your particular surgical rejuvenation, you can wear a Tee that offers additional bold and brash statements, including:
• “Nipped/Tucked in the USA”
• “My PS is Better than Your PS (Plastic Surgeon)”
• ”I’m Under Construction”
• “It’s All About Me”
• ”Work in Progress”
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